Pension payment dates 2024

We pay earnings-related pensions on the following days (when banks are open):

  • Church, Kela and Bank of Finland employee pensions are paid on the 1st day of each month.
  • Local government and wellbeing services counties pensions are paid on the 3rd day and State pensions on the 20th day of each month. If the payment day falls on a weekend or public holiday, the pension can generally be withdrawn on the previous weekday.

The payment day of earnings-related pensions cannot be moved to the previous month because the right to a pension exists on a monthly basis. Under pension legislation, earnings-related can be paid only once during each calendar month.

If you have not received you pension into your bank account on the payment day by 9 a.m., check our news page to see if there are for example any disruptions in the payment transactions between banks. As a rule, we will notify of any disturbances on our website. It’s a good idea to also check if your bank has published any disturbance notices.

Please see general information about pension payment: Checklist for new pensioners

All pension payment dates 2024

Local government and wellbeing services counties pension payment dates 2024 

3 January
2 February
1 March
3 April
3 May
3 June
3 July
2 August
3 September
3 October
1 November
3 December


Payment dates for pensions of Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kela  and Bank of Finland employees 2024

2 January
1 February
1 March
2 April
2 May
3 June
1 July
1 August
2 September
1 October
1 November
2 December


State pension payment dates 2024

19 January
20 February
20 March
19 April
20 May
20 June
19 July
20 August
20 September
18 October
20 November
20 December