Years-of-service pension

Who is eligible for years-of-service pension?

Years-of-service pension may be a viable option when your work ability has permanently diminished due to illness, impairment or injury. In addition you must have had a long career in full-time work.

If you are looking for information on pension for which you are eligible solely based on age, read more on the page  Old-age pension or Partial early old-age pension.

You can apply for years-of-service pension if

  • you are aged 63 or older
  • you have not reached your retirement age for old-age pension
  • you have worked for a long time (38 years or more) in strenuous and wearing work
  • you have worked full-time (i.e. at 100%) in your job
  • your work ability has permanently diminished
  • your employment must continue or have ended no longer than one year ago.

Short periods of sick leave or unemployment do not affect your eligibility to receive years-of-service pension. Likewise maternity, paternity or parental leave periods are not deducted from the length of your career, if their duration is three years at most.

You cannot receive years-of-service pension if

  • you have already reached your retirement age, in which case you can go directly on old-age pension
  • you have already gone over to part-time work or you are receiving partial disability pension
  • you have not worked for 38 years or more in strenuous or wearing work.

How to apply for years-of-service pension

Use the application form to file your application for years-of-service pension 2 months before retirement. You may also apply for a preliminary decision which remains in effect for 6 months.

Please also review your pension record in the My Pension service (available in Finnish and Swedish), as the amount of your pension will be calculated according to this information.

You will need to enclose the following with your application:

  • medical statement B
  • employer’s statement on job description and job strain level

Apply for your pension online

Apply for your pension easily and quickly through Keva’s online My Pension service. When you log on to the service, your pension application contains most of your information – all you need to do is to check and complete the information.

By mail

You can also send your application by mail.

Please mail the application and enclosures to: Keva, FI-00087 KEVA