
Keva is an independent body governed by public law and its operations are based on the Public Sector Pensions Act and the Keva Act. Further provisions supplementing the Act can be found in the Council’s Standing Orders.


The highest decision-making body in Keva is the Council.

The Ministry of Finance appoints the Council members for the municipal electoral period. The Council has 30 members of which six are appointed, according to law, based on a proposal by the main municipal negotiating organisations, four based on a proposal by Local Government Employers KT and the rest based on a proposal by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities must take into account the municipal election result in its proposal.

The present Council’s term of office began on 1 September 2021. Chairman is Eero Reijonen and vice chairman is Heikki Vestman.

Members of Council


 Personal deputy

Recommended by the Association of Finnish Municipalities

 National Coalition Party

 Heikki Vestman, Sipoo

 Juha Nummentalo, Salo

 Aulikki Sihvonen, Kontiolahti

 Erja Laaksonen, Jämsä

 Eero Suutari, Kajaani

 Seppo Hujanen, Mäntyharju

 Susanna Koski, Vaasa

 Riikka Varila, Kuortane

 Jarmo Husso, Oulu

 Mervi Rings, Lemi

Social Democratic Party of Finland

 Nea Karenius, Järvenpää

 Ilkka Nokelainen, Imatra

 Maija Kuusisto-Länsineva, Harjavalta

 Seppo Eskelinen, Joensuu

 Mahad Ahmed, Helsinki

 Liisa Terävä, Rautjärvi

 Pekka Salmi, Tampere

 Miina-Anniina Heiskanen, Oulu

Centre Party

 Eero Reijonen, Liperi

 Paula Sihto, Seinäjoki

 Jouni Kemppi, Lappeenranta

 Tapio Havula, Mäntsälä

 Minna Sarvijärvi, Ylöjärvi

 Miina Harmaala, Lahti

Finns Party

 Tanja Hartonen, Mikkeli

 Terho Korpikoski, Simo

 Marke Tuominen, Äänekoski

 Mikko Nurmio, Valkeakoski


 Päivi Karppi, Vaasa

The Greens

 Minna Pöntinen, Mikkeli

 Anne Lindgren, Riihimäki

 Teemu Meronen, Helsinki

 Jussi Junni, Helsinki

Left Alliance

 Eija Rannanpää, Vimpeli

 Petri Pekkola, Kotka

 Matti Semi, Varkaus

 Mari Lind, Orivesi 

Swedish People’s Part of Finland

 Malin Brännkärr, Kronoby

 Henrik Wickström, Ingå

Proposed by Local and County Government Employers KT::

 Jorma Haapanen, Kirkkonummi

 Eino Leisimo, Jyväskylä

 Juha Rostedt, Lahti

 Marja-Leena Laine, Nurmijärvi

 Taina Niiranen, Parkano

 Kirsi Ojansuu-Kaunisto, Hämeenlinna

 Sinikka Valtonen, Turku

 Pekka Heikkinen, Tuusula

Proposed by principal local government contracting organisations JAU (public sector services union), JUKO (Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals) and Sote (negotiation organisation for the social services and healthcare sector): 

 Keijo Karhumaa, JHL

 Minna Pirttijärvi, JHL

 Jonna Voima, Jyty

 Jukka Maarianvaara, Jyty

 Tuomas Hyytinen, Talentia

 Kirsi Grym, STHL

 Petri Lindroos, OAJ

 Anna Zibellini, Akavan erityisalat 

 Silja Paavola, SuPer

 Anna Dalén, SuPer

 Millariikka Rytkönen, Tehy

 Anna-Leena Brax, Tehy


Board of Directors

The Board’s task is the general supervision and guidance of Keva’s activities. The Board’s function, according to law, is to decide on the pension fund investment plan.

Members of Board 2023-2025

 Regular members

Personal deputies

 Heikki Autto

 Samu Vahteristo

 Diana Bergroth-Lampinen

 Harri Jokiranta

 Toni Eklund

 Tiina Kaartinen

 Anne Holmlund

 Milla Bruneau

 Markus Lohi

 Kirsi Torikka

 Markku Jalonen

 Mika Juutinen


 Outi Mäkelä

 Katarina Murto

 Janne Aaltonen

 Päivi Niemi-Laine

 Kristian Karrasch

 Matti Putkonen 

 Piritta Poikonen

 Else-Mai Kirvesniemi 

 Anne Sainila-Vaarno


Members of Management group

Personal E-mail addresses: firstname.lastname[at] Please, replace Scandinavian å, ä or ö. with a and o.

Jaakko Kiander
Tapani Hellstén
Deputy CEO
Kimmo Mikander
Deputy CEO

Ari Huotari
Piia Laaksonen
CFO and Chief Actuary
Reija Hyvärinen 
Communication Director
Mika Gylén, 
HR Director


Markus Mankin, 
Administrative Director, Secretary of Management 

Staff member 
Birgitta Moisala
Customer Manager

Working Life Development Working Group

The function of the Working Life Development Working Group is to develop measures for maintaining the health and work capacity of municipal employees. The focus of the group is the improvement of the quality of working life, maintaining and improving work capacity as well as on measures preventing incapacity to work.

The working group and its function are defined in Keva’s Standing Orders. The Board appoints the working group for its term of office. Of the 12 working group members, six are chosen based on proposals by the municipal sector’s employee organisations.

Members of Working Life Development Working Group 

Chairman Arja Aroheinä

Mari Antikainen

Kari Eskola

Jonas Fyrqvist

Tapani Hellstén

Keijo Karhumaa

Mikko Kenni

Konstantin Laakkonen

Päivi Lanttola

Tuula Metsä

Merja Paananen

Jussi Rantanen

Anne Sainila-Vaarno

Minna Salli

Sinikka Valtonen

Ulla Walli

Ulla Westermarck


The general supervision of Keva’s activities is carried out by the Ministry of Finance.

Financing operations planning and investment operations are supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA), which reports its supervisory activities to the Ministry of Finance.

Internal control, risk management and internal audit  

Internal control

Internal control means all of the procedures, systems and methods through which Keva’s management and council aim to ensure efficient, economical and reliable operations and the accomplishment of its goals.

Internal control is a process which ensures the following: achieving set goals and aims as well as the economical and efficient use of resources the reliability and accuracy of financial and other management information complying with laws, regulations and instructions, as well as with decisions by administrative bodies, internal plans and operating methods.

Risk management

Risk management is an integral part of Keva’s internal control and it means the recognition, assessment, restriction and supervision of risks resulting from operations or significantly connected to them. Risk management also involves contingency and emergency planning to ensure the smooth continuation of operations.

The main objective of risk management is to support the development of Keva's operations and processes and the attainment of goals, in order to secure the rights of the insured and pension recipients in all situations.

The most significant risks for Keva are related to financing and investment activities and operational risks.

Further information on risk management: Annual report and interim reports

Internal audit

The internal audit of Keva assesses the efficiency and adequacy of internal control at the institution and provides proposals for improving operations. The internal audit operations are based on an internal audit activities plan approved annually by the Board. The function reports to the CEO and the council.

Compliance function at Keva

The Compliance function’s core duty is to assist in proactively anticipating the effects of legislative and regulatory changes on Keva’s operations. The Compliance function also serves to ensure that the entire organisation has the capacity to comply with legislation, statutory regulations and Keva’s in-house rules.

The Compliance function is tasked with the following:

  • proactive anticipation of effects in legislative and regulatory changes 
  • promotion of compliance with acts, decrees and statutory regulations
  • supervision, advice and guidance for compliance with Keva’s in-house regulations, guidelines and principles 
  • contribution to risk management and good governance projects within Keva

The maintenance and development of Keva’s independent Compliance function is the responsibility of the Compliance Officer whose primary function is to support the Board, management and the business in ensuring reliable administration and the effectiveness and sufficiency of internal control. Compliance reports to the CEO and also provides regular reports to the Board.

The responsibility for legislative and regulatory compliance always resides with the business units and management which are supported in this undertaking by the Compliance function.