Authorised via
You can interact electronically in Keva’s My Pension service on behalf of another person if they have granted you e-authorisation in the web service. The authorisation is an electronic power of attorney and information about it is stored in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s Register of Guardianship Affairs.
Three different levels of authorisation used with Keva
Before you grant or request authorisations in the web service, read about authorisations in Keva below. There are three different levels of authorisation used with Keva.
You can find Keva mandates in under the following names.
Managing matters related to employment pensions and vocational information and viewing health information
Under this mandate, the assignee can act in the My Pension service in the same way as the assignor themself.
The assignee can:
- apply for a pension or benefit
- apply for a change to a pension or benefit decision
- view information, which may include health information, related to pension or benefit matters
- change the details of a pension or benefit, such as change the assignor's account number
- change the assignor’s contact details
- review information related to the pension recipient’s employment history and pension payment.
The assignee cannot:
- report proof of residence on behalf of a pension recipient resident abroad.
Applying for employment pension and vocational rehabilitation benefit and appealing
Under this mandate, the assignee can manage all other matters apart from the assignor’s financial affairs.
The assignee can:
- apply for a pension or benefit
- apply for a change to a pension or benefit decision
- view information, which may include health information, related to pension or benefit matters
- change the assignor's contact details
- review information related to the pension recipient’s employment history and pension payment.
The assignee cannot:
- change the account number of a pension or benefit
- report proof of residence on behalf of a pension recipient resident abroad.
Managing matters related to employment pensions and vocational rehabilitation
Under this mandate, the assignee can manage other matters apart from those that relate to the assignor’s health information.
The assignor can:
- apply for a pension or benefit
- apply for a change to a pension or benefit decision
- change the details of a pension or benefit, such as change the assignor's account number
- change the assignor's contact details
- review information related to the pension recipient’s employment history and pension payment
- view documents related to a pension or benefit.
The assignee cannot:
- see medical statements or pension rejection decisions issued by Keva concerning disability pensions or vocational rehabilitation
- apply for a disability pension, partial disability pension, years-of-service pension or vocational rehabilitation
- report proof of residence on behalf of a pension recipient resident abroad.
How to grant a mandate to another person in the web service
A person aged over 18 can authorise another person to manage their affairs if the person concerned has a Finnish personal identity code or a valid foreigner’s identifier (UID) and the person uses the Finnish Authenticator application.
Before you grant mandates in the web service, read the Keva authorisations above and think about which authorisation you want to grant.
Read more detailed instructions on the website:
How another person can request you for a mandate in the web service
A close friend or relative can request an authorisation in the web service to manage your Keva matters.
Before you grant mandates, read the Keva authorisations above and think whether you want to grant the mandate requested.
You must approve the request of a close friend or relative before it can become a valid mandate. You can approve the request for a mandate in the web service or in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency service locations (DVV).
See more detailed instructions on the website
How can an authorised person interact electronically in the My Pension service?
An authorised person logs on to the My Pension service (in Finnish and Swedish).
After logging in, the authorised person must select the box stating that they are acting on behalf of another person. They can then use the My Pension service to act on behalf of someone else for the matters for which they have mandate.
If the person authorised wants to interact also by phone or letter e-authorisation only authorises electronic interaction in the My Pension service. If the person authorised wishes to interact with Keva also by phone or letter, they need a separate power of attorney for that purpose. See the instructions for this in Authorisation by power of attorney below.